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Sunday, January 29, 2023

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I recommended How much I earned after 1 month “Medium Partner Program” on TysonRhame.

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I recommended My first steps in the world of investments | Stocks, ETFs, Mutual Funds & Cryptocurrencies on TysonRhame.

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I recommended AI-ai-yi-yi! on TysonRhame.

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I recommended ChatGPT Progress: An Innovation Comparable to Thomas Edison’s on TysonRhame.

Recommended: Elon Musk is right. Web3 is BS.

I recommended Elon Musk is right. Web3 is BS. on TysonRhame.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Recommended: About Me — NaPhi

I recommended About Me — NaPhi on TysonRhame.

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I recommended About Me — Reed aka Samuel Reed, III on TysonRhame.

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I recommended Blogging Vs. Book Writing on TysonRhame.

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I recommended Meta & Musk Sell Out Democracy for Trump on TysonRhame.

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I recommended 7 Things You Probably Didn’t Know About Substack on TysonRhame.

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I recommended How I Get 100 Followers On Medium In Just 3 Days; on TysonRhame.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Relationships on social media is by following others

In today’s world of social media, the number of followers one has on platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook has become a measure of success and influence. While having a large following can certainly be beneficial for personal branding or business purposes, it’s important to remember that the number of followers you have is not the only thing that matters. In fact, the true value of social media lies in the connections and relationships we build through it rather than the number of followers we have.

The best way to develop relationships and connections on social media is by following other people. By following others, you not only open yourself up to fresh viewpoints and ideas but also demonstrate your appreciation for and respect for their ideas and thoughts. It's an easy yet effective strategy for expanding your network and making new friends.

Quality is more significant than quantity when it comes to social media followings. It’s better to have a small number of meaningful connections than a large number of superficial ones. This means actively seeking out and engaging with individuals and organizations whose work and ideas align with your own.

Following others can also be a great way to learn and grow. By exposing yourself to new ideas and perspectives, you can broaden your understanding of the world and gain new insights into your own work and interests. Additionally, by following experts and thought leaders in your field, you can stay up-to-date on the latest developments and trends, which can be valuable for both personal and professional growth.

In conclusion, while having a large number of followers on social media can be beneficial, it’s not the only thing that matters. Building connections and relationships on social media is much more valuable. By following others, you can expose yourself to new ideas and perspectives, show that you value and respect others’ thoughts and ideas, learn and grow, and stay up-to-date on the latest developments

I am excited to announce the launch of my new post, which will feature a wide range of content. I would be grateful for your support in the form of follows and engagement on my posts. Please note that while I aim to provide diverse and inclusive content, not all posts may align with everyone’s interests. Thank you in advance for your support.

If you like what you’ve read here today, then we need to talk. There’s something off with you as well (a small joke). Click to follow for more posts.

If you’re not currently a Medium subscriber, why are you waiting? sign up to read all of Shoesmith’s articles for free, as well as those of thousands of other exciting writers.

If you are really craving more of what Every Shoesmith Life Cycle LLC is doing, then go here.

Recommended: 100 Followers in 48 Hours Challenge

I recommended 100 Followers in 48 Hours Challenge on TysonRhame.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Recommended: Creating an Automated Help Desk System for Your Business using Google Docs and Sheets: No Coding…

I recommended Creating an Automated Help Desk System for Your Business using Google Docs and Sheets: No Coding… on TysonRhame.

Why Opinions Matter

Opinions are like belly buttons—everyone has one. And just like belly buttons, some opinions are innies and some are outies. But whether you’re an innie or an outie, your opinion is important.

Why? because opinions shape the world around us. They influence how we think, what we buy, and even who we vote for. They’re like the steering wheel of the world, guiding us in the direction we want to go.

But just like steering wheels, opinions can be tricky to handle. Sometimes they steer us in the wrong direction, and we end up in a ditch. Other times, they’re so strong that we can’t see past them, and we miss out on all the great things around us.

That’s why it’s important to be open to different opinions. You never know, you might learn something new or discover a new perspective that you hadn’t considered before. And who knows, you might even change your mind along the way.

More on the “different opinions" take it from this guy

So the next time someone shares their opinion with you, don’t dismiss it outright. Listen, consider, and then make up your own mind. After all, your opinion matters too.

For more on how I view this, Please join me over on my Personal Blog

I am excited to announce the launch of my new post, which will feature a wide range of content. I would be grateful for your support in the form of follows and engagement on my posts. Please note that while I aim to provide diverse and inclusive content, not all posts may align with everyone’s interests. Thank you in advance for your support.

Shoesmith Life Cycle LLC

Recommended: Judgement and Jealousy

I recommended Judgement and Jealousy on TysonRhame.

Recommended: I became a writer on Medium a few weeks ago and was SO excited to take part in the partnership…

I recommended I became a writer on Medium a few weeks ago and was SO excited to take part in the partnership… on TysonRhame.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Recommended: I’m developing a new Fediverse client application for desktop

I recommended I’m developing a new Fediverse client application for desktop on TysonRhame.

The Pros and Cons Home vs. In the Office

Imagine it’s January 2020, and the world is about to upgrade to a new manufacturer.” “Little did we know, with the aid of March, that the rumors of a positive virus, let’s name it COVID-19, would ship the world into a tailspin.
While the world used to be united in their search for answers, I took the chance to chart my very own course. You see, for the past 20 years, I’ve been a common workplace drone, commuting on trains and spending most of my days simply making an attempt to get from A to B, just like any other Northern Virginia resident working in the nation’s capital.
For example, there have been a few times when I’ve had difficulty connecting to my team. And sometimes the audio or video quality isn’t great.
Go to the full story


Accepting the Unknown: Fresh Starts and the Open Road of Chance A journey of a thousand miles "begins with a single step," as the proverb states. And at the start of a new year, when else is it best to do that?
The best time to focus on the future and include the uncharted is when the calendar turns. However, why can the idea of a "new beginning" be both exciting and terrifying at the same time? The idea of leaving our safe haven of comfort can be unsettling because we are creatures of addiction. We may be afraid of failing and the unknown, which could also be the reason. 
Whatever the reason, one thing is certain: you are being called to the open street of danger. And total acceptance of existence is the only surefire way to ride everything it has to offer. So why not start by taking that first step this year? The possibilities are endless, whether it be starting a new job, moving to a new city, or undoubtedly trying something new. Who knows, you might even find that the unknown is exactly where you should have been all along. As a result, let's bid adieu to the past and embrace the future. It's time to step on the gas and see where the open, dangerous street takes us. Happy New Year to all! “In order to prepare In conclusion, starting to get ready for something can be challenging. However, it doesn’t have to be as difficult as it might seem. Making a plan ahead of time and breaking the task down into manageable components can make the process simpler. 

When starting to prepare for anything, anyone can position themselves for success by doing their research, gathering their supplies, and setting achievable goals.  
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